Enrolment Process


Once you are FLO enrolled, your school-based FLO Coordinator will discuss your learning options with you. If you are interested and suitable for the Community Learning Centre, they will complete a referral form for your enrolment into the NESPN CLC.

There are two styles of enrolments at the CLC:

Internal Enrolment

This enrolment is where a nominated FLO enrolled student from one of the NESPN schools is referred to the CLC to commence at the beginning of the school year. The student’s learning, wellbeing and pathways are managed on-site at the CLC by the CLC Coordinator, Subject Teacher and Case Manager (currently Baptist Care SA). Internal students are based at the NESPN CLC and have a number of opportunities available to them both on and off-site.

External Enrolment

This fee-by service model is where a FLO enrolled student can access subjects and programs at the NESPN CLC based on available vacancies and a fee. Enrolment takes place each Semester for SACE classes and term by term for other programs. The fees are covered through available FLO funding and enrolment is made through a young person’s Case Manager and school-based FLO Coordinator.

At all times Internal and External students remain enrolled at their DfE home school. Reporting and feedback is continually fed to the school.

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