Case Management

Case Management

If you are based at the NESPN CLC, your Case Managers will come from Baptist Care SA.


Each FLO student has a Case Manager (not a teacher) assigned to them to help with:

  • re-engaging students with learning
  • health and wellbeing
  • practical issues
  • working with other services (such as Centrelink, or health, drug and alcohol services)
  • developing stronger numeracy and literacy skills
  • coaching and goal-setting

The Case Manager keeps a case file on each young person they work with, including a case plan (the Flexible Learning and Transition Portfolio FLTP), progress notes, assessment of needs, support and referrals to the other agencies.

They also stay in contact with the school, parents, local student engagement and community partnership coordinators, and other agencies.

Here at the NESPN CLC, Baptist Care Case Managers also deliver a wide range of engagement programs including art, Cooking, job Searching, mental health support and more!

For more information on Baptist Care SA and services they provide please go to

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