SACE Stage 2

SACE Stage 2

Research Project (10 credits)

Research Project allows the students to research a topic of their interest, using a research question to build a report discussing their findings. The subject focuses in building effective research skills through planning and undertaking research and ultimately reflecting on their experiences.

Essential English Stage 2 (Full year) (20 Credits)

Stage 2 Essential English enables students to investigate, analyse and interpret a range of texts that build upon their written and verbal communication skills. In Stage 2, the use of language is explored thoroughly as students examine the impact language has in a variety of contexts including social, cultural and technical.

Community Connections – (up to 40 Credits)

Students undertake the 4 VET units of competency listed below in conjunction with 6 Community Connections assessment tasks with a focus on small business in the hospitality industry. Once completed students can achieve up to 40 Stage 2 Credits.

BSBESB302 Develop and present business proposals

SIRXMKT001 Support marketing and promotional activities

BSBOPS302 Identify business risk

BSBFIN302 Maintain financial records

TOTAL: 160 Nominal hours

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