Vet Opportunities
On-site VET Course:
Certificate II Hospitality (up to 50 Stage 1 credits)
Course Description – This qualification provides a pathway to work in various hospitality settings, such as restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs and cafés.
Benefits for students – Will acquire skills to be ‘work ready’ in the Hospitality Industry to gain entry-level employment.
Program Outline –
Core units
BSBTWK201 – Work effectively with others
SITHIND002 – Source and use information on the hospitality industry
SITHIND003 – Use hospitality skills effectively
SITXCCS003 – Interact with customers
SITXCOM002 – Show social and cultural sensitivity
SITXWHS001 – Participate in safe work practices
SITXFSA001 – Use hygienic practices for food safety
BSBFIN302 – Maintain financial records
SITHKOP002 – Plan and cost basic menus (Imported from Cert III Catering Operations)
SITHFAB004 – Prepare and serve non-alcoholic beverages
SITHFAB005 – Prepare and serve espresso coffee
SITHFAB007 – Serve food and beverage
****please note that elective units may be changed as required***
Off-site VET Courses:
Being part of the NESPN CLC and FLO Program, allows you to have access to a range of Accredited Courses. These courses may be delivered on or off-site.
Accredited courses can go towards your SACE. For example, selected Certificate I & II courses can go towards your Stage 1 credits & selected Certificate III courses can go towards your Stage 2 credits. You will work with your Case Manager and NESPN CLC Coordinator, to map out a suitable SACE pathway.
Courses Include:
- Aged Care and Disability
- Animal Care
- Automotive, retail, servicing and repair
- Building and Construction
- Business start-up (entrepreneurial)
- Civil construction
- Conservation and land management
- Early childhood
- Education
- Electrotechnology
- Food processing
- Hair and beauty
- Health support
- Hospitality and tourism
- Hairdressing
- Information technology & cyber
- Manufacturing and engineering
- Plumbing
- Screen and media production, gaming and visual effects
- And more..!
Course enrolment is dependent on availability and student readiness.
The North Eastern Vocational Opportunities (NEVO) group also offer a range of VET courses based in many of the Schools and Learning sites across the North East. NESPN CLC students may also be able access learning opportunities through NEVO to build on their chosen career pathways.